This is an intelligence test and Ontarians are failing it

From the invaluable Wikipedia:

The Ontario government debt is the amount of money the Government of Ontario borrowed from the general public, institutional investors and from public-sector bodies. As of September 30, 2013 the Ontario government’s total debt stood at CDN$288.10 billion.[3] The interest on the debt was CDN$10.3 billion for 2012-2013 budget at an effective interest rate of 4%.[4]It represented 8.4% of the total budgetary expenses and is the fastest-rising cost for the Ontario government.[5] The Debt-to-GDP ratio in 2013 was 37.4%, the highest in Ontario’s history.[6]


I checked the comparison with California’s total public debt. I discounted a Canadian study by Jason Clemens and Neil Veldhuis because of its very low estimate of total state debt in California, for one that compares all state-government debt across fifty US states. In that regard, California’s debt looks like this.

State Total State Debt (1) Market Valued Unfunded Public Pension Liability (2) Outstanding Debt (3) Unfunded OPEB Liability (4)
California $777,918,403 $583,627,395 $119,680,625 $65,210,000

All figures in thousands. So by a  standard of calculation common to fifty states, California’s total state debt is roughly $778 billion dollars in 2014.

Ontario’s was $288 billion in 2013, and $295 billion in 2014, according to the official Ontario Financing Authority.

Ontario’s population in 2014 was 13.537 million.

California’s population in 2014 was 37.253 milion

Dividing Ontario’s 2014 debt of $295 billion by 13.537 million people, I arrive at $21,792,125 of provincial government debt per capita.

Doing the same for California, $778 billion by 37.253 million people, I arrive at $20,884,224 of state government debt per capita.

Thus, if these figures are proportionately calculated, then Ontario has a worse per capita debt than the notoriously badly governed California.

Yet it seems we are headed to another Liberal minority government. Go figure.