The Oligarchy Trembles…Part the First

In the West, democracy died quite some time ago. In Europe, the US, Canada and other nations of Western Civilization, the political structure is one of oligarchy.

We are led to believe that we are a democratic society, where the rulers rule with the consent of the governed. In fact, we live in an oligarchy, the rule by an entrenched political class which, in the modern world, is semi-hereditary, globalist, rich, anti-national, anti-democratic and vicious. It is active in all Western countries and is developing into a World Hydra with its tendrils extending into all parts of society.

The foundation of the Oligarchy is the Doctrine. The Doctrine is a commitment to globalization, the destruction of the middle classes in Western society by shipping material production and all manner of jobs to China and other non-Western, low-wage countries. The Doctrine also includes any and every measure to destroy the nation state, hitherto the bastion of our Western Civilization and the Christian values that built it. This is implemented, for example, by support for ever-expanding state power as in the EU and by the cancerous growth of the Federal Government in the US.

The Doctrine also includes massive immigration from more primitive societies, particularly Islamic societies, with a view to further weakening Western nations with a cultural and racial population that not only will not integrate into Western societies, but which is actively hostile to them.

Another necessary feature of the Doctrine is the suppression of free speech. In our current techno-centric world, this is done by Facebook (here) and Google censorship, workplace intimidation, “hate speech” codes in universities and companies, and the response to any objection to the Doctrine by insults and libel. The censorship and attacks on liberty require a political instrument, the Thought Police. The modern, 21st century Thought Police is not a secret organization as in Orwell’s 1984, but an open club that anyone can join. All you have to do is swear allegiance to multi-culturalism, multi-racialism, globalization and massive immigration, “hate speech” laws, promise to say that everything in Western Civilization is bad and Islam is a religion of peace, and you’re in. Then you have free licence to insult, intimidate, threaten, and lie about anyone who objects to the Doctrine.

The Thought Police are particularly active in academia and education generally, seeking out the youngest to instill fear in to make them more malleable as they grow up. Other branches include the open thug organizations like Black Lives Matter and Social Justice Warriors (pause for hollow laughter) who are free, even encouraged, to intimidate white and Asian students on campuses, and any rent-a-mob that wants to show up and throw bricks and bottles at Trump supporters.

The Oligarchy maintains itself in power by means of Potemkin political parties that represent slightly different facets of the Doctrine. In Britain we have the Labor, Conservative and Liberal Democrat parties; in Germany, the Social Democrats and the Christian Democrats; in the US, the Democrats and the Republicans etc. There is no real difference, only a little less immigration here, a little more state control there. The Potemkin parties are shock absorbers for the Oligarchy. An open tyranny might just expose the whole game, hence the need for the Potemkin parties to syphon off anger when the proles get uppity with hollow promises and meaningless platitudes. Even with that, the EU commissars are moving closer to the open version—witness the complete disregard for referenda results that do not support the Doctrine. When the voters begin to see the sham, and begin to show disagreement with any of the elements of the Doctrine, all the “mainstream” parties (i.e., tools of the Oligarchy) will speak up for the Oligarchy and pour streams of insults and threats on any dissenting movement. Usually, this is enough to silence any opposition.

The ground on which all this is built is beginning to shake and tremble. In Europe, the UK Independence Party, the Front National in France, the AfD party in Germany, the new Hungarian government, the Danish People’s Party, (all called “populist” or, in utterly misleading fashion, “far-right”) and much more, are gaining large fractions of the popular vote. They are now “mainstream”, a word that has been until now used by the propaganda organs of the Oligarchy to signify subservience to the Doctrine. And the Oligarchy is troubled.

The Times They Are A-Changin’…

The Brexit vote in Britain has just given the political class its first kick in the you-know-what and they’re hopping mad. Squealing about hate, neo-Nazis, ignorant masses, uneducated proles, and what’s wrong with democracy, all because they lost. Isn’t it amusing to see the political class with the mask off? This is what they really think about freedom of choice: it’s good only as long as the great unwashed deliver the result approved of by their betters. Enjoy the full-bore exposure of their hypocrisy, spite and venom. But beware the attempts of the globalists and the Establishment to undermine the vote and pervert democracy. They are utterly without scruple or decency and should never be trusted.

But for now, Britain has spoken for national freedom and liberty. Again, she leads the world, and, more importantly, the West, where it really matters.

The Euro-Soviet behemoth totters….

Rebel Yell