Mass Hysteria—All you need to Know

Scott Adams’ most recent blog should be read by all. He analyzes the deranged hysteria sweeping the US political system—from the Media hate-fest against President Trump to the Islamic State-style savagery of tearing down monuments and destroying, prior to re-writing, history. This is a new Endarkenment threatening the very sanity of the American Republic.

The Antifa left-wing street thugs have been given carte-blanche by the Fake News Media to assault anyone they feel like, with the tacit and not-so-tacit approval of the Democrat Party. Google, now aptly dubbed “Goolag”, has instituted full, open and unabashed suppression of free speech, layered with all the requisite anti-White propaganda, following the lead of the corrupted colleges and “universities”.

The Fake News Media are simply the goons of the leftist mob, running rampant through the streets. They would do well to remember that all socialist and communist revolutions devour their own children. The fellow-travelers, sympathizers and sycophants will be arguing over seating arrangements when they are loaded onto box-cars for their re-education therapy.

All left-wing revolutions attempt to destroy civil society and orderly government prior to the purges that always follow. When the political class has decayed to this extent, when it champions the agents of decay, it falls to the yeomanry of the nation to protect their heritage and counter the sedition that is poisoning America.

President Trump is the voice of ordinary Americans and one of the few sane voices in the nation today. He deserves everyone’s full support.