Great entertainment was provided by Clown Central this week at the famed U of Zero in Canada’s frozen capital. The Premier Mangina, recently returned from Cosplay 2018, which apparently took place in India, met with the Mr Rogers of pseudo-science, Bill Nye, the guy who thinks wearing a bow-tie makes you intelligent. Apologies, by the way, to Mr Rogers and he’s the one on the right in the picture.
Before a crowd of befuddled adolescents masquerading as students, they held forth a gay banter on all matters scientific.
From the Windsor Star:
Trudeau and Nye both spoke about the importance of diversity in science, and the need for more women to pursue careers in science and engineering. But it’s important to recognize that women and men are often going to be drawn to different types of science, Trudeau said. Women, he suggested, are more likely to focus on “social impacts or impacts on community or longer-term impacts.” Men are mostly thinking about whether they can “build a really big rocket,” Trudeau said, miming a really big rocket.
“Men like explosions, women are building things,” he went on, before Nye interjected to say “Everybody likes explosions!”
Man, that’s deep. Wasn’t that something from Plato?
Bill Nye, the Pseudo-Science Guy, is one of the popular frauds on TV always ready to make actual scientists cringe whenever he speaks. Any currently accepted tripe and dogma will be peddled by Nye, global warming, anti-wimmin scientists, you name it.
Canada has plenty of real scientists in academia and industry who would have made an excellent role model for young people possibly thinking of careers in science. How about Mike Laziridis who single-handedly started the Perimeter Institute for research into Gravity and Quantum Computing? Or Art McDonald, formerly of the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory, who won the Nobel Prize for discovering neutrino flavor oscillations and establishing that those elusive particles actually had mass?
But they probably had important work to do. Would either of them want to spend time driveling on about wimmin when the real world calls? Real science requires years of work and study, frequently unrewarding, and sometimes soul-destroying. But when you succeed, the joys are immense. No-one became a scientist without that, just read Einstein’s recollections of his years-long struggles to get his thoughts on relativity into a theory.
The PM likes to think he is a bit of a science nerd…well, nerd, for sure, but science? Give me a break.
Finally, and I’m not making this up…
“When you’re a baby, you are a scientist. ‘If I make this noise, wow, I get milk,’ ” Trudeau said.
Rebel Yell