Reality is Hate!

Looking for the most insane, cuckoo nonsense these days is tough, the competition is pretty stiff. Speaking of which, in the UK recently, a student was fired from his position as an editor of Durham University’s philosophy journal Critique for saying “women don’t have penises” [here]. A row erupted about the “transphobic” comment and the former chair of the LGBT Humanists (!) said that the statement “was factually incorrect”.

Well, well, Heavens to Betsy! Now we have university crackpots saying that fundamental biological and medical facts relating to female pudenda are “factually incorrect”. Truly, as Orwell remarked, some ideas are so stupid, only intellectuals will believe them. Even he could not have foreseen the absurdity of the madness gripping the educational establishment.

“Transphobic” is, of course, another fake word invented by the aspiring tyrants on the left to suppress any criticism of any particular weird sexual fantasy that is the rage of the day. Naturally, if they want to identify as goats, and you don’t agree, then you are “goatphobic”.

Delingpole on Breitbart, one of my favorite reactionaries, produced a delicious quote from Germaine Greer, of all people…

“Just because you lop off your penis and then wear a dress doesn’t make you a fucking woman. I’ve asked my doctor to give me long ears and liver spots and I’m going to wear a brown coat but that won’t turn me into a fucking cocker spaniel.”

But wait, there’s more. Funny and stupid these antics may seem, but there is a sinister side to it all. As you know, everything in Britain is policed, except crime, and the new hi-tech Thought Police, iPlod, are getting in on the game. The Merseyside Police “…are aware of this matter and are making enquiries”. In the UK, your home can be invaded by a SWAT team for displaying a sign “Islam out of Britain”, and you may now be hauled before a commissar for stating a medical fact. This perversion of justice must stop. It’s institutional insanity. The police are way out of line; they have no business policing what people say. They are becoming tyrants and must be treated as such.

We have now reached the stage in 1984 when Winston groans, after being tortured for weeks in the Ministry of Love, “How can I help seeing what is in front of my eyes? Two and two are four.” O’Brien (the Diversity officer of the Inner Party) then says, “Sometimes, Winston. Sometimes they are five. Sometimes they are three. Sometimes they are all of them at once. You must try harder. It is not easy to become sane.”

Then you can graduate from a British university with a degree in State-Approved Thought.

Rebel Yell