Mueller is senile

Watching Robert Mueller yesterday, I was struck by the appearance of early senility. I mean that in a medical sense, and not as an insult, though I am not qualified to make a professional estimate. Amidst all the prevarications, the deliberate wasting of time, the failure to understand plain questions, and the meandering, it was clear to all, including Democrats, that the purpose of putting Mueller before the panel failed. Nothing would stick. It could not be used as the basis of impeachment proceedings, no more than the report bearing his name, which also failed in its purpose.

It is hard to understand what the Democrats think they would have achieved had they “won” yesterday. The experience of Nixon and Bill Clinton show how utterly divisive impeachment proceedings are. What the Democrats sought yesterday was to avoid being crushed in the next election by being able to avoid fighting Trump. It is not going to happen. And they will be crushed.

See Breitbart; see Tucker Carlson.

This does not mean that those caught in the Democrat’s delusory framework will open their eyes to the oncoming train in the tight tunnel. Those who have bought into Trump-as-evil-Russian puppet remain obdurate in their refusal to see who is the puppet of Russia; think the Steele dossier is true; and think the man a racist for telling off brown Somali Muslim woman in the Squad for her evident hypocrisy and ill-will towards America. There will always be at least 40% of the American population who think the Republicans are the agents of Satan. 40% are Republican. The remaining 20% are open to persuasion. Increasingly they look at what the Dems are proposing: intersectionality, radical identity politics, open borders, soft on crime, gun-controlling, and they will not like what they see.

I predict a lot of sensible Democrats are going to go into the polling booth and pull the lever for Trump, despite everything.