You Want Fries with That?

Truly, whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad. The Ancients had it right.

When it comes to depravity of any description, it has to come from California or Sweden first. Just the other day, a Swedish “professor”, a supposed “behavioral scientist”, Magnus Soderlund [here], suggested that the taboo of cannibalism must be overcome to save the planet, to combat climate change. Did you know that there was a Jeffrey Dahmer School of Behavioral Science?

And the inimitable Richard Dawkins, Britain’s font of stupidity, chimed in:

What if human meat is grown? Could we overcome our taboo against cannibalism? An interesting test case for consequentialist morality versus “yuck reaction” absolutism.

Humans have practiced cannibalism in more primitive societies, even in quite advanced ones, for example, the Aztecs were past masters of the trade. Despite sacrificing hundreds of thousands of men, women and children every year, no measurable effect on the climate was noted. Of course, the modern version would lack the Aztecs’ great architecture, mass spectacle and jazzy costumes.

Perhaps the esteemed professor could sell his idea to Planned Parenthood in the US. As we now know through Project Veritas, that organization sells the butchered remains of human infants for medical experiments. Why not expand on their grisly operations; open a companion restaurant next to every one of their death factories?

Frying tonight! Welcome to the Hannibal Lecter Dining Lounge! We cater to all tastes in people!

Wait for the Democrats to take it up in the US—they already support abortion right up to the day of birth, and, as one was caught saying, even afterwards. With infanticide on their list of promises, can cannibalism be far behind?

As the great Russian writer, Dostoyevski, wrote in The Brothers Karamazov, …without God, everything is permitted.

Swedish meatballs, …anyone?

Rebel Yell