New Media: Joe Rogan and the rest

Our federal regulator  (the CRTC) could not be persuaded to call the Internet the Internet; it was always called “new media” because it was a technology invented in the 1970s, not the 1950s, and it came to prominence with the adoption of the world wide web in the 1990s.

In this case, however, it is appropriate to call the Internet “new media”. Legacy TV technology is starting to show its age. There are still people who get most of their information from television, and they are roughly 70 years of age and older.  They end up believing the Narrative in its entirety, for want of competing visions. As Jordan Peterson said, “the younger generation would not even recognize the corpse of the television system if they saw it”.


Which leads me to the article by the self-confessed leftie journalist in the Post today: Tara Henley: why I quit the CBC

You don’t need to read the article to know why: racial and sexual identity politics has taken over completely. But why be concerned with the CBC? Its viewership is dropping as its subsidies are climbing. The key to staying misinformed: watch broadcast or cable television.