Leftist culture keeps on consuming itself

At least Fake Salondot.com identifies itself clearly as parody. As for The Guardian, it is long past that, as demonstrated by its latest idée fixe, the viper’s nest of racism and patriarchy that is apparently “Thomas the Tank Engine”:

…when the good engines pump out white smoke and the bad engines pump out black smoke – and they are all pumping out smoke – it’s not hard to make the leap into the race territory.

[t]here are certainly a lot worse shows in terms of in-your-face violence, sexism, racism and classism. But looks can be deceiving: the constant bent of messages about friendship, work, class, gender and race sends my kid the absolute wrong message.

Of the Guardianista’s claim that it’s not hard to make the leap into the race territory, I recall this pearl of wisdom from The Tick:

And, isn’t sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you’re good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit.

H/T Small Dead Animals