The New Evil Empire: America

Ever since the collapse of communism and the dissolution of the Soviet Union, all attempts at creating a new security structure in Europe have been rebuffed by the American Empire.

During the Cold War, when glasnost and perestroika were starting to change the Soviet Union, Reagan and Gorbachev made significant progress in reducing East-West tensions through the signing of the Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty in 1987 which removed medium range nuclear missiles from Europe.

In 1989, revolutions swept through Eastern Europe toppling the Communist regimes from Poland to Romania in the space of six months. The Warsaw Pact dissolved and, in 1991, the Soviet Union itself.

When Germany was re-unified, the Americans, through Secretary of State, James Baker, assured the Russians that NATO “would not move one inch further eastward.” Those were heady days. They did not last.

Since then, NATO has expanded eastward absorbing nations right up to the Russian border. In 2007, Putin made an important speech to the Munich Conference [here]  in which he outlined the strategic threats facing Russia from NATO (and, of course, America, NATO’s real master) and why that cannot continue. It will be a strategic disaster. Senior American diplomats from George Kennan through James Baker, Jack Matlock (last US Ambassador to the Soviet Union), Henry Kissinger and many others have all without exception echoed these warnings. In fact, at the Bucharest conference in 2008, NATO said that Ukraine and Georgia would be candidates for membership in NATO.

But the neocon cabal that runs American foreign policy has heeded no warnings. The 2014 CIA/State Department coup d’etat orchestrated by the Nuland/Kagan/Kotkin think tanks installed a puppet regime in Kiev to act as a further antagonism to Russia.

And it is America that has been doing everything possible to make tensions between the US and Russia worse. It was the US that withdrew from the ABM Treaty, not Russia; it was the US that withdrew from the INF Treaty, not Russia; and it was the US that withdrew from the Open Skies Treaty, not Russia. All of these destabilizing actions were instigated and supported by the usual neocon warmongers Nuland, Kagan and their ilk.

After this coup, the Maidan revolution, the Lugansk and Donetsk oblasts sought separation after repeated assaults on the ethnic Russians living in eastern Ukraine intensified. In the ensuing eight years, the Kiev regime has been taken over by the neo-Nazi Bandera types and corrupt oligarchs; Zelensky himself (a washed-up TV comedian, a similar resume to Trudeau) was entirely created by the Jewish-Cypriot oligarch Kholomoisky.

Since 2014, this thug regime has been waging real warfare on the Russians in eastern Ukraine: constant shelling of civilians killed over 14,000 and no doubt seriously wounded ten times as many. All this in violation of the Minsk Agreements signed in 2015 between the Kiev regime and the Donbas oblasts giving autonomy to those regions. Russian TV stations were shut down, journalists “disappeared”, Russian culture suppressed, and in the last few years, the Kiev regime stopped paying pensions and benefits to citizens in these areas. Here, the Russian Federation took up these payments.

At the end of last year, the Zelenskyy regime indicated it was going to withdraw from the Budapest Accords of 1994, whereby Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons, and to invite NATO membership. It has bioweapons research laboratories financed and built by the US, all in contravention of Bioweapons Convention. Nuland admitted to this during a Senate Committee Hearing, no doubt to the shock of the Deep State operatives. It will be very interesting to see what information comes out now that the Russians have captured some of these sites.

By the end of last year, the Kiev regime had built up forces of nearly 100,000 men in eastern Ukraine set to attack the Donbas and retake Crimea by force.

The Russians beat them to the punch.

NATO is no longer a defensive organization; it is the military arm of the voracious American Empire. This Empire seeks to turn all independent nations into its vassals and debt slaves, or, if not, harass them with “sanctions” (aka economic warfare), overthrow their governments with “color” revolutions, or, as in the cases of Libya, Syria, Serbia, Afghanistan, simply bomb them into submission.

The massive censorship in the West of relevant information coming out of the war cannot stop the truth. There are many sources and sites on the Internet giving excellent commentary and updates; the mainstream Fake News media just babble endlessly on with Deep State propaganda.

Ukraine, ante, is toast. Russia will take the Russian regions in the east and south; the Poles maybe will take a bite out of western Ukraine (L’vov and Galicia); the region around Kiev could become an EU satrapy.

Meanwhile the sanctions war on Russia is taking its toll—on the EU. Let’s see how long they can do without gas, oil, wheat, metals, fertilizers, you know, all the real commodities that make an actual economy work. Perhaps the EU can keep its economy working on Facebook drivel and Twitter babble?

Here are some sites for your interest…

…And many more…

Rebel Yell


Rebel Yell: I will be pleased to bet $20 on some prediction you make that is predicated on the facts and assumptions set forth on your article. It has to be a well defined event and it has to take place within 6 months. But I will let you define the risk and I will either accept the bet or not.