Pause in global warming now acknowledged by warmists

Sez the report:

The team did not conclude global warming had completely stopped, but that the rate of increase over the period was lower than in previous decades despite green house gasses increasing throughout the period in question.

The team of experts, including scientist Michael Mann ,who helped draw up the initial figures of how much the earth was likely to heat up by, say they have disproved evidence used by world leaders before the Paris climate change conference in November. Those figures disputed there had been a major slow down in temperature increases in the 17 years from 1997 to 2014.

So, according to warmist scientists, there has been a significant slowdown of global warming, despite massive increases in CO2 in the atmosphere (which is undisputed by anyone).



To the extent that anthropogenic global warming was ever a scientific proposition, it asserts a strong and linear causal relationship between increases in atmospheric CO2 (caused by humans) to global warming.

Not climate change, which is a change of subject to avoid the absence of warming. Warming, and warming alone, is the issue.

The team did not conclude global warming had completely stopped, but that the rate of increase over the period was lower than in previous decades despite green house gasses increasing throughout the period in question.

Remember, this report was produced by warmists, not skeptics.

Not that any of this will reach the minds of Liberal cabinet ministers at an level in Canada. 97% of climate scientists/Liberals/ignorant people agree that one or more of the following is true:

  • the earth is the centre of the universe
  • global warming is caused exclusively by man’s burning of fossil fuels
  • phlogiston is the substance that prevents everything from bursting into flame.

Or is it Cardinals of the Roman Catholic church? I forget. Anyway it is some group heavily invested in dogma.