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Nomenklatura News

The Globe and Mail infallibly captures the movements of personnel inside the nomenklatura, this week recording  the change of leadership at the National Film Board from one left wing male French Canadian  to another female of the same nationality. Comrade Suzanne Guevremont has assumed control from Comrade Claude Joli-Coeur, the former commissioner (CEO) and chairperson.

The substance of the long article (most of page 6 below the fold) dwelt on the report that 72% of production between 2012 and 2021 was made by white film makers. This fact was obviously unacceptable to all concerned. While Comrade Joli-Coeur was congratulated on his achievement of gender parity goals (meaning 50-50 male/female ratios), indeed its overfulfilment of quota,  and aboriginal goals (15% of NFB production), no goals had yet been set for racialized Canadians. This fact will be addressed by the income Commissioner.

In its corporate plan for 2020 the NFB pledged to make racial diversity one of its top priorities.

Film makers working for the NFB are reported to be in vigorous debates about “priorities and procedures”.

All the news that suits the nomenklatura – that’s our Globe.


Suzanne Guevremont, the new NFB Commissioner and Chairperson

Things I believe and do not believe

To be accurate, “belief” is distinguished from knowledge. What I know for sure does not  need to be believed, because in that case belief is superfluous. I see belief and knowledge to be incompatible states of mind. When the pen is dropped from the hand in normal gravity, I know it falls towards the centre of the earth. I might believe it as well but that belief is superfluous.


I believe:

  • There is spiritual wickedness in high places.
  • Recent global warming is real and not significant in the long record of climate change on earth, though we should keep an eye on it.
  • There exists an immaterial force for goodness that is called God and by many other names. It is benign and intelligent, and occasionally directs those open to his insights and revelations to better outcomes.
  • We have received revelations.
  • I do not have an accurate, comprehensive, and correct picture of all that is going on. No one else does either.
  • Tolerance is required because of the preceding point.
  • Measures to control COVID were a foretaste of future totalitarian social controls that will be needed for a meatless future where we shiver in the cold, cold designed by globalists to immiserate us. See first bullet.
  • Gain of function research associated with COVID was paid for by American sources.

I do not believe:

  • That the governments and ruling classes of this world give a damn for the fate of the average person.
  • I do not believe in the benign intentions of those forces associated with the World Economic Forum, the Davos crowd, or the global warming climate emergency.
  • That the government of Canada is in good hands. (The first three bullets here are the same thing said in different ways).
  • That all people are equal in many significant senses of the word equal. Inevitably this includes peoples as well as people.
  • That though evolution is true, that natural selection or sexual selection as Darwin has explained them are sufficient explanations. Good try though!
  • That materialism is a sufficient explanation. The world is far more and greater than matter and its motions.
  • COVID was not a natural event but was an engineered plague that was either deliberately or accidentally released from the Wuhan Institute for Virology.


Most of what I blog is a commentary on the above. And with that, I will call it a day.





On bill C-11, an Act to make the Internet into a form of cable broadcasting

Presentation of the Internet Society Canada Chapter to the Senate Committee on Transport and Communications on Bill C-11.


  1. Good evening, Senators, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Timothy Denton and I am the chairman of the Internet Society Canada Chapter, or ISCC for short. I used to be a national commissioner of the CRTC and spent a good portion of my career in Internet governance institutions. The ISCC is a network of volunteers concerned with Internet policy. Many of us have served in senior positions in government. With me today is Len St. Aubin, a director of the Internet Society, and former Director General in the Department of Industry concerned with telecommunications, broadcasting and Internet policy.


What the ISCC believes


  1. We oppose C-11 because it embodies a fundamentally illiberal idea of communications; because it constitutes a vast overreach of governmental authority; and because it threatens the engine of innovation and economic growth which is the Internet.



  1. What we object to is the nearly boundless extension of governmental regulatory authority over communications. The bill excludes content that is predominantly alpha-numeric. Otherwise, and with only a few exceptions, it captures virtually all online audio and video.

What we recommend


  1. In the Annex to our formal Submission, we have proposed changes intended to limit the harm that C-11 poses. I would highlight in particular our recommendations to:


  1. One: Exclude from the Act, and therefore from any regulation or obligation to contribute to Canadian content production, any online service that earns less than $150 million in Canada annually.
  2. Two: Exclude from the Act all user generated content. This does not exclude social media platforms that stream user generated content and whose revenues exceed the $150 million cap, which would be subject to the Act.


  1. Three: Amend the policy objectives in Section 3 to ensure that CRTC regulation respects user choice, and recognizes that competition and market forces are contributing to achieving the objectives of the Act. Bill C-11 implicitly assumes that in a large measure the burden of Canadian program production is to be taken up by foreign, read American, streamers competing with Canadian broadcasters. Yet nowhere in this Bill do we read of competition and consumer choice.



  1. Four: Remove the amendments in clauses 7 and 8 of the bill so as to reinstate the current Act’s limitations, and Parliamentary oversight safeguards, on the authority of the Governor in Council to issue policy directions to the CRTC.


Bill C-11 is Fundamentally Flawed


  1. C-11 vastly exceeds the government’s stated objectives, and then leaves entirely to the CRTC the ability to determine its own mandate and the extent of its intervention in the online economy and in Canadians’ ability to access the content of our choice. In our view, C-11 invites fears of undue and harmful intervention.
  2. We believe that it is entirely possible to obtain a reasonable contribution to CanCon from global streamers without bill C-11’s massive intervention in the digital economy and in Canadians’ freedom to access online content of our choice.



Internet Streaming is Not Broadcasting


  1. Let us look at two basic features of broadcasting. The first, which C-11 retains, is that you broadcast by permission of the state. Broadcasting is a licensed activity, and the CRTC is the licencing authority. The second was a set of characteristics, business and technical, that limited who and what broadcasters were. Those characteristics were largely based on the scarcity of radio waves. C11 eliminates those characteristics nearly completely.


  1. The assumption that justified broadcasting regulation was that a very few speakers would have a captive audience of many tens of thousands of listeners, and later of viewers. The direction of traffic was one way. The audience had highly limited choices.
  2. In exchange for highly detailed regulation, traditional broadcasters have benefited from a host of measures that have created a walled-garden and sought to protect broadcasters from competition so that they could fulfil their CanCon and other obligations.



  1. C-11 declares all audio- and audio-visual content on the Internet to be broadcasting. It is a kind of reverse takeover of the Internet. The tiny Canadian broadcasting system can take on the world of the Internet by the mere trick of redefining “broadcasting”. C-11 is that bold, and that absurd.



Impact of C-11 on the Internet


  1. C-11 is about protecting the economic interests of an obsolescent niche of Canada’s music and video industries. It is not about bringing “broadcasting” regulation up to date. It is not even about “streaming”. It is about controlling content on the Internet, the persons who transmit content on the Internet, and what reaches the persons who access Internet content.
  2. Instead of introducing an actual Online Streaming Act – one that would have considered the unique nature of Internet-delivered content and the functioning of the markets for that content – C-11 tries to stuff the most vibrant and adaptive marriage of technology and culture within the stultifying embrace of the regulated broadcasting system. Bill C-11 seeks to prolong and reinforce the supply-side dynamics of broadcasting regulation. C-11 fails to affirm or even acknowledge the primacy of the audience and its right to choose the programming that suits it. C-11 embodies a set of bad ideas that ought to be rejected.


  1. In the time available we have had to concentrate our comments on the essentials. Our formal submission covers other issues that are also significant, which you will have received earlier. We thank you for your time and attention and look forward to your questions.










Go away and come back

Monday 12 September 2022 at 7:45 in the morning

We went away this past weekend to a fishing camp which was located at the end of a fifty minute drive along a rough track over Laurentian rock. We drove at somewhat better than a walking pace. I recommend the periodic withdrawal from wider society, and the fishing camp was the perfect retreat: no yoga, no periods of silence, no meditation. Just reasonable people conversing on a dock and occasionally going boating on paddle boards and canoes. No fish were caught or harmed, it being the wrong season for trout on the surface . Plentiful food, wine and booze, though less than we  did in our forties.

In the time away, Her Majesty the Queen died, the Russians suffered a large defeat in Ukraine, and Pierre Poilievre was decisively affirmed as Conservative leader.

I don’t think that it is possible to exaggerate the immense stabilizing influence of Queen Elizabeth on the United Kingdom or the world. For seventy years she maintained a discreet and effective role as advisor and occasional admonisher to the great. She lived a life of unimpeachable dignity while still showing that she was not deceived by earthly pomps and quarrels. She was a devoted Christian and I think some of her annual Christmas messages were in fact sermons of profound relevance.

When we got the news we were in a restaurant in the village of St Jean de Matha, surrounded by French Canadians having lunch, who treated the matter, as I suppose legions of other nations would have,  with courtesy and respect. The Queen had earned the respect of people of many nations, including republicans of the breakaway United States. I think everyone naturally measures life ‘s events in terms of the life and death of Sovereigns, however powerless they may be in constitutional terms. Like the passing of Queen Victoria, the death of Queen Elizabeth will be marker between one era and the next.

Then we left the village to go to the the fishing camp. We drove along an atrocious rock- strewn path at 10 kilometers an hour. An hour and a quarter later, we unloaded cars and went by pontoon boat to the ancient fishing camp, an artifact of the era of lumber barons picking out choice lakes for their buddies to fish in. Huge beams, gas mantle lamps, and low to non existent internet connectivity, coupled with copious quantities of alcohol and food.


We heard the news of Poilievre’s decisive victory on Saturday night, by which I was greatly gladdened. Unfortunately I was surrounded by five  devotees of the milquetoast conservatism – if that is what it is – of Jean Charest, who are persuaded that Poilievre is the sure path of defeat for the Conservative Party. You know the type, I am sure: all reform is acceptable short of actual change. In terms that a western Conservative would be happy with, they were perfect exemplars of the Laurentian consensus. Highly intelligent people of good faith, the lot of them, but politically clueless, as far as I am concerned. If Poilievre fails, they will be sure to crow about my so called radicalism in leaving the sure path of Jean Charest. 68.15% of my fellow conservatives agreed that Poilievre was the better candidate, which should be enough to silence the whining of advocates of the losing candidates, even in a party that romanticizes losing.

Predictions are difficult, especially about the future. Nevertheless I think that the abhorrence I feel for the current Liberal government in Ottawa is shared by a possible electoral majority. We will either succumb to the Woke shit of Trudeau the Lesser, after we go down fighting it, or we will rescue the country. The Liberals and their media allies are asking us to acquiesce in the ruin of Canada,  and I for one will not abide it.

As to the Russian defeats in Ukraine, I am as surprised as I am pleased. I had thought that the Russians would take over Ukraine in six weeks.  The fact that large piles of equipment are being abandoned, so much so that this offensive marks the largest weapons transfer by far since Lend Lease, indicates that Russian morale is collapsing. In World War 2 , Allied soldiers noticed that the German soldier began to abandon usable equipment only in the Falaise Pocket in July-August of 1944, six years into the war. The Russians may rebound; the war is by no means over, but I think the recent defeats of Russian arms show that the era of Russia as a great power is over.

It is evident that the drone has come to be decisive. In many case the drone is substituting for an air force at a small percentage of the cost. Russians are abandoning equipment because, if they flee in their trucks and armored vehicles, they will be killed by drones. So they flee on foot. Drones are still not cheap enough to waste on individuals. They are however, sufficiently cheap to offer the less powerful an air force at a price they can afford. Much as I loved them, the tank has become too cheap to destroy relative to its utility as an offensive weapon. They talked of the foolish bravery of Polish cavalry attacking columns of German tanks; they will soon talk of the folly of tanks attacking across open fields  against anti-tank missiles and drones.



What I believe is going on: COVID and the Liberals

New rules going after blockade financing an overreach, critics say | CTV News


I believe the following to be, roughly and in the main, true. I cannot prove some assertions but I believe them on what I think are reasonable grounds.

  1. COVID originated in a lab leak.
  2. The Wuhan virology labs were conducting gain of function research on behalf of American health agencies.
  3. It is almost certain that Fauci was involved in the approval of this research, but that is not relevant to the thrust of what I am saying.
  4. The COVID pandemic was used to accustom people to mass surveillance and visible compliance with government orders: isolation, masks (vexatious and close to useless), and lockdowns.
  5. Vaccines for COVID are neither safe nor particularly effective, though they may have had good results for the first few months, after which their effectiveness wears off rapidly.
  6. The vaccinated  transmit the disease as readily as the unvaccinated, or nearly so.
  7. Booster shots are designed to hook the general population onto the need for government-approved mandatory drug therapies (of highly dubious effectiveness).
  8. COVID’s effects are extremely age-stratified. That is, deadly at 80, serious at 60, and a bad cold you would not wish on your enemy at 50 and inconvenient at 30. Measures appropriate to an older age group are out of place for the young. This fact has not be reflected in public health responses, so that children and even infants are being vaccinated, contrary to  the medical evidence of dangers from the vaccines themselves, and the superfluousness of vaccines among the young.
  9. Year over year mortality rates across the world will show that there has been a massive death toll from all causes (excepting COVID), and that all the anecdotal evidence that far too many young and vigorous people dying of heart attacks will be shown to be part of a large scale mortality upsurge. There may also be shown a significant decline in fertility (birthrates).
  10. So that, in addition to the short duration of vaccine effectiveness, it will become evident that COVID vaccines are themselves the cause of these deaths. The implications of these facts will be opposed vigorously.
  11. Canadian government measures were designed to isolate and humiliate those who refuse the vaccines. You are free to disobey them, says our Prime Minister, but you will lose your job and must be isolated from other people. These measures are vindictive acts of malice against the unvaccinated population, based on pseudo-science,
  12. To pay for the massive unemployment engendered by lockdowns, governments printed billions  of dollars to pay for the emergency measures they devised.
  13. Inflation has been the inevitable result of too much money pursuing too limited investment opportunities.
  14. Coincidentally, and for reasons dissociated from COVID, but accelerated by the responses to the pandemic, we are experiencing a massive transfer of wealth upward from the 99% to the 1% and further concentrations of wealth from the 1% to the 0.1% of society.
  15. Our governments and public health authorities are acting in a way that is best explained by active malignance towards the general population, and not merely incompetence.
  16. This is especially so in Trudeau’s Canada, where the Liberals continue to engage in all sorts of measures to denigrate English Canada with fantastic contrivances like Indian residential school death tolls, maligning patriotic expressions of revolt like the trucker’s convoy, and generally fabulating the existence of  right wing white male extremism as a general excuse for repressive measures. I would add the deliberate demoralization of the armed forces by means of accusations and dismissals for sexual impropriety.
  17. Government in western countries, and particularly in Canada, are intent on passing legislation controlling what is said and who sees what on the Internet, by means of massive expansion of regulatory authority over private communications (viz, Bills c-11, C-18, on line harms Act, subsidies for newspapers,) to keep the press compliant and the people quiescent.

Consequently, I realized last night why Pierre Poilievre was going to be the next leader of the Conservatives, and quite possibly the leader of the country. His theme, which he expressed from the moment the leadership race started, was to “take back the power.”

I realized that if I, establishmentarian and patriot as I am, had reached this stage of concern for the country, then the relevant political choices lay between Pierre Poilievre, the official Conservative, and Mad Max Bernier of the even  more disenchanted Freedom Party.

I will be thought nutcase by those still in the grips of the Establishment Laurentian view. Yet as Orwell says, sometimes the hardest thing to do is to see what is plainly before our eyes. To this observer, the current Trudeau government has gone beyond total incompetence into malignance. I want a divorce from these people. I think they are evil, not just bad in the usual human way that people can be.



of what use is the Globe and Mail?

The Globe and Mail, says my friend and guide Oban, is for the comfort of Canada’s governing classes. So true.

I picked up a copy this weekend just to enter its reality distortion field. Here is Coyne on the truckers:

“The trivial risks of vaccination were elevated into mortal perils. The minor imposition of vaccine mandates was painted as a nightmarish assault on liberty.

“The well-attested thuggishness of the protesters, meanwhile, was simply denied or whitewashed as “civil disobedience”. The extremist ideology of its leaders , the threats of violence, the dreams of overthrowing the government? They’re not really the leaders. That’s not what they meant.”

The basis for this imperious condescension is the belief that the risks of vaccination were and are not ‘mortal perils’: that injecting revolutionary new messenger RNA vaccines into the body – which have been tested on the population for the first time and which seem to carry significant risks of myocarditis, among others- is a matter of little concern. “The minor imposition of vaccine mandates” is not minor at all; they constitute the compulsory consumption of DNA-altering bio-engineering without serious social and parliamentary discussion. of what we are being subjected to, the risks which were assumed away and the rewards which appear to be nil, or close to it.

The effects of the vaccines were to provide immunity for up to 12 weeks. And then they were to require more ‘jabs’ of more messenger RNA vaccines indefinitely, like flu shots.  Setting up the apparatus of compulsory society-wide ingestion of DNA-altering substances is serious work. It requires the talents of people like Coyne to obscure the issues and assume away the problems.

I turn the page of the Globe to find Beverley McLachlin, former Supreme Court Chief Justice, talking about “the Ugly Side of Freedom” solemnly intoning nonsense:

Freedom without limits slides imperceptibly into freedom to say and do what you want about people who don’t look like you or talk like you. Sadly, the Ottawa truckers’ convoy has revealed this ugly side of freedom.”

Says who? My friend Rebel Yell was in the crowd most days and found Innu, Cree, French, English, Sikh and all walks and regions of Canadian life represented, all being polite and cheerful and greeting each other as fellow Canadians, in one of the most massive  demonstrations of patriotism we have seen in this country.

If you want to understand what is going on in the world today, you are better off listening to Joe Rogan and, in particular, his interview with Maajid Nawaz, available on Spotify.

The dots will be connected eventually, but not by anyone writing for the Globe.


By way of evidence which is by no means conclusive but just found on the Internet within minutes of writing this piece:

Of which there will be much much more soon. See Robert Kennedy Jr. below:



Fascists, fascists everywhere

You recall the de Adder cartoon about the truckers?

Terribly clever wasn’t it? Yeah, right.

I have seen people who ought to know better asserting the truckers were attempting the overthrow of the government of Canada, that they were or were led by “fascists”, and other absurdities. Rebel Yell, the other author on this site, visited Wellington Street most days of the trucker protest. What he found were Canadians having a party: whites, French and English, Dene, Innu, Cree-Ojibway, Sikh, and so on, all being gracious and polite. And having a good time, apologizing if they bumped into one another.

Now we see Putin justifying his invasion of Ukraine on the basis that he is fighting “fascists”. He proposes to “de-Nazify” the Ukraine.

“Russian President Vladimir Putin invoked the Nazis on Thursday when he announced his decision to launch a large-scale military operation in Ukraine.

“The Russian leader said that one of the goals of the offensive was to “denazify” the country, part of a long-running effort by Putin to delegitimize Ukrainian nationalism and sell the incursion to his constituency at home.”

I am not insinuating that the Canadian left and its leftist Liberal establishment are morally equivalent to Putin. Not at all. But what I do say is this: eighty years after actual Nazi and fascist regimes collapsed in rubble, stricken down and crushed, their ideologies vanquished, people still find it convenient to label their opponents “fascists” when they cannot think of anything worse to insult them with.

Is it not time we acknowledged that the two winners of World War 2 were Communists and parliamentary democracies? And that Canadians tired of COVID compulsions were just that: Canadians? And that Ukrainians are seeking to maintain national independence and are willing to fight for it?

Fascism is dead. Statism is dead. White racial supremacism is dead.

Stop fighting ghosts. Fight the present enemy.

Anti-white racism is very much alive – consider Woke, and the legion of black supremacists and race hustlers in their fifteen minutes of money and fame.

Class condescension is thriving. Just read the Globe and Mail any day of the week. Our former Supreme Court Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin is a case in point:

The Ottawa truck convoy has revealed the ugly side of freedom

Of course these people who shout “fascism” look at themselves in the mirror and do not know who they see: minions of Satan. I think they are in for a big surprise when the Last Judgment is rendered.

My sentiments exactly: the catastrophe that is Canada

My consternation about the descent of Canada into politically generated distrust, fascism and chaos are well expressed in the video conversation above. The press is bought. The opposition from the Conservatives is weak and tepid. The NDP is a lapdog of the Liberals. The government is unhinged. It believes – or acts as if it believes – that the Canadian working class is a force needing suppression. I am out of words.

Then, having discussed Canada,  they get on to the real issues driving the whole mess: the World Economic Forum, the capture of the elite by the global warming madness, and the measures that have been taken by the federal government to ruin the oil and gas industries. Note that the attack on the Coastal Gas Pipeline construction site was mentioned only 24 hours after it happened by State News under the caption “alleged attack” on pipeline worksite.

Canada’s GDP per capita has remained at about $45,000 for a decade, while the US figure has gone from about that level to about  $67,000 per capita. Canada is stagnating.

Watch this for confirmation.

us gdp per capita – Google Search



Stuart Parker deserves your attention

Stuart Parker, previously unknown to me, has precisely described the dynamic driving Canadian cultural and ideological conformity.


As I predicted back in 2008, the people who now hold this belief that anything less than total control and absolute discipline is a sign of weakness and illegitimacy are now what pollsters politely call “the centre-left.”

Sadly, as with all broadly held cultural assumptions, these values concerning control, submission and dissent eventually escape their original context and run rampant through society. If people become convinced of a new moral order for how the world above them should run, it ultimately shakes down to the world below.

And we see this here with centre-left reaction to the national truckers’ protest in Ottawa. No permanent organization is running this protest, which appears to be built around social media, a GoFundMe page and a loose affiliation of local leadership groups developed in provincial protests by truckers over the past few years.

And of course, it does not represent all or even most truckers in the industry. The crew who are in Ottawa are whiter, more rural and more right-leaning than the industry as a whole, which is, in turn, whiter, more rural and more right-leaning than Canadian society as a whole. The folks in Ottawa are also more likely to be “owner-operators,” who have financed their heavy equipment through financial institutions. Those driving trucks owned by extended families or by trucking companies directly are much less likely to be part of the protest.

There is no doubt that a small fraction of these individuals are members of Canada’s tiny fascist militias, the Sons of Odin, the Proud Boys and other far-right political groups and that a disproportionate number voted for the People’s Party. In addition, the spirit of the protest and the issue it is taking up, vaccine passports, have attracted members of right-wing groups that are not themselves truckers but wish to express solidarity or see the protest as an organizing and recruitment opportunity.

Those of us who cut our teeth in the 1980s peace movement know this story well. The Vancouver Peace March used to attract 10% of the city’s population (50,000 protesters at its peak) for its annual walk across Burrard Bridge to support global nuclear disarmament. And, consequently, the vanguard of the march comprised the Trotskyites, Maoists and other communist sectarians and foreign dictator fan clubs who saw this as their big annual opportunity to radicalize and recruit ordinary anti-nuclear activists.


Because Canadians, as a whole, but especially centre-left voters have now come to believe that the legitimacy of a movement inheres not in its size or the diversity of people and views it represents but rather in its ability to discipline and control its supporters, this protest looks both illegitimate and frightening. Not only is this protest not controlling the speech and signage of its members; it is celebrating its refusal to control these things and instead sticking to the basics of making sure protesters are nonviolent and law-abiding.

And, in progressive, urban Canada, this broad-brush guilt-by-association strategy exhumed from the 1980s appears to be working, no matter how intellectually lazy its journalistic practitioners are being.


I am not writing this piece to advocate for the protest and its participants. I am writing this piece to ask Canadians like me whether we want our future protests to be judged and covered by standards applied to the truckers today. I am asking us to think about what happens to the horizon of possibility for mass organizing when we throw in with the idea that actual, authentic grassroots protests are a thing of the past and the only legitimate public demonstration is one choreographed from above, its participants carefully disciplined into reading from an identical script or into silence.


As a person who, because I dissented from the progressive consensus on a single issue, has been smeared as a transphobe, homophobe, pedophile, white supremacist, racist and ableist in the past year and a half, I can no longer simply accept the opinion of centre-left media on whether someone is a dangerous, bigoted member of the alt-right. I can no longer trust the government-financed Canadian Anti-Hate Network on whether someone is a dangerous hatemonger because many of my comrades and I are on their list. And not everyone is going to be like me and check those claims against the facts. Most people will just start ignoring those claims.

There is a high price to pay when you decide to cry “wolf” over fascism in a political situation like our own, where the authoritarian threat is real and society-wide.

More importantly still, I am trying to sound a cultural alarm bell about the exaltation of order, disciple and control as Canadians’ primary political values. The fact is that those values are authoritarian. In a nation wherein rapid, dramatic change is not just a moral necessity but an ecological one, we need to retain the capacity for mass mobilization and our capacity to resist an authoritarian regime, irrespective of whether it calls itself progressive or conservative.

